This week, instead of mounting our camera on a tripod and moving the flashlights we switched up our light painting technique by keeping the flashlights still and moving the camera around instead.
We arranged our flashlights in jars so they shone up at the ceiling from the floor.
Then we held the camera in our hands pointed it down at the lights and moved the camera around while the shutter was open, creating this:
For this last image we reflected the flashlights off of the floor instead of using the direct light. The result was a much softer.
To end the day we had some fun tracing the shadows of our hands:
You don’t need flashlights and a dark room to reverse light paint...
Here’s a picture of Spring Garden Road with the camera sitting very still, a car drove by and left a steak of light where the headlights were.
And this is a picture of the same scene while the camera is moving.
Some lights on the ceiling of a restaurant.
A passing cop car. You can tell the red and blue lights are blinking because they are not a continuous line.
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