Saturday, October 30, 2010

Saturday October 16, 2010

Light Painting

We used our third photo booth session to experiment a little more with light painting.


Duncan draws some circles. You can see how the light
gets thinner as he moves the light source faster.

Katie and Erin create pink light by shining the light
source through a sheet of pink fabric.


The yellow ribbon-like light is created by holding the
flashlight on a angle instead of shining it directly
at the camera.

Satuday October 2, 2010

Light Portraits

For our second session in the photo booth we took some portraits. To get a clear shot, the subject had to stay perfectly still for fifteen seconds. To change the colour of our flashlights we covered the ends with multiple layers of tissue paper.

Saturday September 25

Julianne experiments with light painting with the team! Amazing!!!

This was our first attempt at light painting. Everyone came up with a pose that was traced with a flashlight by someone behind them, while extra flashlights were used to draw in the air on either side.

Light Tracings: